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A Hale and Hearty Thank You


Thank you for coming to my personal web site! You probably came here from one of my recent reviews on Medium, either from a link at the bottom or to listen to a microphone test.

So thank you for being here.

And an extra big thank you to the elite few of you who have donated money to me through this site.

It's not a huge number of people, but I really appreciate all of you. Some of you have even finally signed up to receive my Upcoming Reviews Survey(tm) and the first one of those will be going out very soon.

"But wait Alex, didn't you write that thing on Medium saying that headphone reviews were a stupid idea?"

I did! But just because the community on Medium has largely been toxic people I've picked up from Google, and because I needed to take a break, doesn't mean that I don't still enjoy headphones.

And I'm not going to be on hiatus forever.

And in the meantime, I'm going to keep reviewing games/tech/other fun stuff when the occasion calls for it.

I've edited the text on the donation page slightly to reflect this wider/refocused scope. And those of you who love my headphone reviews and who haven't just written me awful comments on Medium...thank you. Your support is greatly appreciated.

The headphone stuff got really crazy. It's hard to be bombarded by questions about what's best all the time, with little rhyme or reason. I'm just taking a sanity break for a while. And when/if they come back...they probably won't be on Medium any more, but over here. I'm still trying to figure out how to balance my content between this site and Medium. I've been learning a lot about my readership with all the different content I'm posting, and this is an ever-evolving process.

If you've donated to me in the past and are disappointed at my temporary headphone hiatus, I'm sorry! The content I've already produced won't be getting deleted, and I've lost so much money producing all of this that your donation was very much appreciated! This is exactly why I use a one-time donation/tip jar model, and part of why I don't believe in subscriptions/Patreon with the fervor of some other online folks.

A donation is a one-time thank you that I heartily appreciate, not a weird pact between you and I. I expect your tastes and desires for content to change and evolve over time just as mine will.

I also promise that going forward I will continue to personally buy every game/tech thing/audio device I review. And that, on the off chance I ever find some kind of sponsorship/review unit deal that I actually think will be good, you'll be the first to know the nature of the content. I enjoy the freedom that brings me. Most major review sites have an ad department to contend with at the very least, in spite of having a higher degree of editorial freedom than "YouTube Influencers."

I don't have any of that baggage, for better or worse.

All of this is a long-winded way of saying that much more content will be coming to this site very soon, and my content on Medium will be slowly shifting to the sorts of things that people over there actually want.

Thank you for reading this! You rock!